Community initiatives against crime and criminality in the border area of oPhongolo will be greatly strengthened this week when the MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison, Mr Mxolisi Kaunda, launches community safety structures.
This area, which is the border between KwaZulu-Natal and Swaziland, has been experiencing high levels of crime, including stock theft, vehicle theft, murders, drug trafficking and gangsterism.
However, several interventions by the Department of Community Safety and Liaison, including hosting of crime summit, has mobilised the community to form their own structures to work with the police to fight crime.
The work of the department has seen voting district safety teams being established in all 74 voting districts (14 wards of uPhongolo Local Municipality). These have now been trained and are now ready to work with the community and the police to fight crime and bring stability to this vast area.
The objectives of these safety structures are to:
To handle the energies of the JCPS departments and the relevant organs of state, realizing the energies and better coordination
Integrated service delivery
Multi-agency approach
Joint planning operations
Strong community participation and consultation
Sharing of resources
Community engagement and consultation.
MEC Kaunda says he has no doubt that the launch of these structures will greatly improve safety in the area.
“Already other community structures in this part of the world have been active in foiling stock theft and trafficking of drugs,” said MEC Kaunda.
The details of the event are as follows:
Date: Friday, 24 June 2016
Time: 10H00
Venue: eMadanyini Sports Ground, oPhongolo.