Man left critically injured after taxi collision on the M5 in New Germany, KwaZulu Natal.

March 8, 2016 • Accidents, Car

A man was left critically injured this evening after a taxi and delivery van collided on the M5 in New Germany, KwaZulu Natal.

ER24 paramedics arrived on scene to find both vehicles in the middle isle of the road.

The front of the taxi was fond to be completely ripped open, with the door barely hanging on the vehicle.

On assessment, paramedics found the front passenger lying trapped inside the vehicle in a critical condition.

Paramedics carefully extricated and assessed the patient, finding that he had sustained severe injuries to his left leg.

The patient was treated and provided with advanced life support interventions.

Once stable, the patient was transported to RK Khan Hospital for further treatment.

No other injuries were found on the scene.

Local authorities were on scene for further investigations.

Russel Meiring

ER24 Spokesperson

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